LAGUNA蛋白石/珍珠彩Opaline光澤釉上彩LC205 4g
燒成溫度: 溫錐018(約700℃) 請勿過溫(過溫有可能會使顏色變黑或產生其他變化)
What is a Luster?
-Lusters are over-glazes. This means they are applied to a surface that has been glaze fired. Lusters take on the texture of the underlying surface that they are applied to (matte, satin, or glossy). Lusters are made with complex combinations of metallic salts, resins and oils. These formulations are designed to effortlessly create amazing metallic and iridescent effects.
- 光澤釉上彩覆蓋於釉面上。 這意味著它們被施加到已釉燒完成的表面上。是一種釉上產品,用於在已上釉的作品或玻璃上添加燒製的貴金屬裝飾。 光澤呈現其所應用的底層表面的紋理(霧面、緞光或光澤)。 光澤是由金屬鹽、樹脂和油的複雜組合製成的。 這些配方旨在輕鬆創造令人驚嘆的金屬和虹彩效果。
-Use soft bristle round or flat brushes.
-Use disposable paper towels
- 使用軟毛圓刷或扁刷。
- 使用一次性紙巾
- Wear appropriate PPE and work in a ventilated area. Your ware and work area should be clean, dry and dust free. If you choose to use rubbing alcohol to clean your ware before application, allow extra drying time as alcohol contains water. Make sure to remove the packaging crinkle that comes with your luster (gold, silver or iridescent tensile). To paint, use a small brush that will fit easily inside the diameter of the luster bottle. Dip the point of the soft bristle brush into the luster. The brush bristles should have a “wet” appearance. Lightly swipe any excess luster on the bottle rim. A light and even coat provides beautiful results for Gold Coast and Palladium. However, Opaline favors uneven application for intense color vibrancy. Do not thin luster solution as it can cause streaking and diminish metallic or iridescent effects. We recommend that you experiment with your studio setup before any large scale work is done. Make sure to completely dry your work in a clean area, free from dust, dirt, and moisture.
- 穿戴適當的個人防護裝備並在通風區域工作。 您的器具和工作區域應清潔、乾燥、無塵。 如果您選擇在使用前使用外用酒精清潔您的器具,請留出額外的乾燥時間,因為酒精含有水分。 確保去除伴隨光澤(金色、銀色或虹彩張力)而來的包裝皺紋。 繪畫時,使用可以輕鬆放入光澤瓶直徑的小刷子。 將軟毛刷的尖端浸入光澤。 刷毛應具有“濕”的外觀。 輕輕擦拭瓶子邊緣多餘的光澤。 輕薄均勻的外套可為黃金海岸和鈀金提供美麗的效果。 然而,蛋白石有利於不均勻的塗抹,以獲得強烈的色彩活力。 不要稀釋光澤溶液,因為它會導致條紋並減弱金屬或虹彩效果。 我們建議您在完成任何大規模工作之前先嘗試工作室設定。 確保在乾淨的地方徹底乾燥您的作品,沒有灰塵、污垢和濕氣。
Handling and safety
-Lusters are safe to handle when used with the correct personal protective equipment (PPE). Download the Luster SDS sheets for all the recommended specifics for working with this product. Lusters are flammable and must be keep away from any heated elements or open flames. Always work in a well ventilated area and wear a NIOSH approved respirator. Avoid contact with skin by wearing fitted vinyl gloves. If you happen to get any luster on your clothes or skin, wash with soap and warm water immediately. During firing, avoid breathing fumes and/or kiln exhaust.
-如果與正確的個人防護裝備 (PPE) 一起使用,則光澤可以安全處理。 下載 Lustre SDS 表,以了解使用產品的所有建議細節。 光澤是易燃的,必須遠離任何加熱元件或明火。 始終在通風良好的區域工作,並佩戴 NIOSH 批准的呼吸器。 戴上合適的乙烯基手套,避免接觸皮膚。 如果衣服或皮膚上有光澤,請立即用肥皂和溫水清洗。 燒製過程中,避免吸入煙霧和/或窯爐廢氣。
Clean up and storage
-Mineral spirits, paint thinner and acetone are effective cleaning agents. Make sure to wipe the threads on the glass container before capping tightly. Put the glass luster bottle inside the clear plastic container to contain any lingering fumes. To prolong your Laguna Lusters, store in a cool/dry place. Hot and humid environments can cause this product to thicken. If this happens simply use a drop of toluene (toluol) to thin.
- 礦物油精、油漆稀釋劑和丙酮是有效的清潔劑。 蓋緊蓋子之前,請務必擦拭玻璃容器上的螺紋。 將玻璃光澤瓶放入透明塑膠容器中,以容納任何殘留的煙霧。 為了延長您的 Laguna Lusters,請存放在陰涼/乾燥的地方。 炎熱和潮濕的環境會導致該產品變濃稠。 如果發生這種情況,只需使用一滴甲苯(可用松香水或香蕉水代替)進行稀釋即可。
-Fire the fully dried lusters ware to cone ^018. This should be a fast fire with the peep-holes open. Good firing ventilation is essential for this product. If the kiln does not have a kiln sitter or a programmer, place a cone pack in front of a peep-hole to verify firing temperature.
-將完全乾燥的光澤器皿燒成溫錐018(約700℃)。 這應該是在窺視孔打開的情況下快速開火。 良好的燒成通風對於該產品至關重要。 如果窯爐沒有窯爐管理員或程式設計師,請將錐體放在窺視孔前以驗證燒製溫度。
NOTE* Image colors may vary from in-person results. Test before final production. Formulation contains precious metals, pricing is subject to change without notice.
注意* 影像顏色可能與現場結果有所不同。 最終生產前進行測試。 配方含貴金屬,價格如有更改,恕不另行通知。
燒成溫度: 溫錐018(約700℃) 請勿過溫(過溫有可能會使顏色變黑或產生其他變化)
What is a Luster?
-Lusters are over-glazes. This means they are applied to a surface that has been glaze fired. Lusters take on the texture of the underlying surface that they are applied to (matte, satin, or glossy). Lusters are made with complex combinations of metallic salts, resins and oils. These formulations are designed to effortlessly create amazing metallic and iridescent effects.
- 光澤釉上彩覆蓋於釉面上。 這意味著它們被施加到已釉燒完成的表面上。是一種釉上產品,用於在已上釉的作品或玻璃上添加燒製的貴金屬裝飾。 光澤呈現其所應用的底層表面的紋理(霧面、緞光或光澤)。 光澤是由金屬鹽、樹脂和油的複雜組合製成的。 這些配方旨在輕鬆創造令人驚嘆的金屬和虹彩效果。
-Use soft bristle round or flat brushes.
-Use disposable paper towels
- 使用軟毛圓刷或扁刷。
- 使用一次性紙巾
- Wear appropriate PPE and work in a ventilated area. Your ware and work area should be clean, dry and dust free. If you choose to use rubbing alcohol to clean your ware before application, allow extra drying time as alcohol contains water. Make sure to remove the packaging crinkle that comes with your luster (gold, silver or iridescent tensile). To paint, use a small brush that will fit easily inside the diameter of the luster bottle. Dip the point of the soft bristle brush into the luster. The brush bristles should have a “wet” appearance. Lightly swipe any excess luster on the bottle rim. A light and even coat provides beautiful results for Gold Coast and Palladium. However, Opaline favors uneven application for intense color vibrancy. Do not thin luster solution as it can cause streaking and diminish metallic or iridescent effects. We recommend that you experiment with your studio setup before any large scale work is done. Make sure to completely dry your work in a clean area, free from dust, dirt, and moisture.
- 穿戴適當的個人防護裝備並在通風區域工作。 您的器具和工作區域應清潔、乾燥、無塵。 如果您選擇在使用前使用外用酒精清潔您的器具,請留出額外的乾燥時間,因為酒精含有水分。 確保去除伴隨光澤(金色、銀色或虹彩張力)而來的包裝皺紋。 繪畫時,使用可以輕鬆放入光澤瓶直徑的小刷子。 將軟毛刷的尖端浸入光澤。 刷毛應具有“濕”的外觀。 輕輕擦拭瓶子邊緣多餘的光澤。 輕薄均勻的外套可為黃金海岸和鈀金提供美麗的效果。 然而,蛋白石有利於不均勻的塗抹,以獲得強烈的色彩活力。 不要稀釋光澤溶液,因為它會導致條紋並減弱金屬或虹彩效果。 我們建議您在完成任何大規模工作之前先嘗試工作室設定。 確保在乾淨的地方徹底乾燥您的作品,沒有灰塵、污垢和濕氣。
Handling and safety
-Lusters are safe to handle when used with the correct personal protective equipment (PPE). Download the Luster SDS sheets for all the recommended specifics for working with this product. Lusters are flammable and must be keep away from any heated elements or open flames. Always work in a well ventilated area and wear a NIOSH approved respirator. Avoid contact with skin by wearing fitted vinyl gloves. If you happen to get any luster on your clothes or skin, wash with soap and warm water immediately. During firing, avoid breathing fumes and/or kiln exhaust.
-如果與正確的個人防護裝備 (PPE) 一起使用,則光澤可以安全處理。 下載 Lustre SDS 表,以了解使用產品的所有建議細節。 光澤是易燃的,必須遠離任何加熱元件或明火。 始終在通風良好的區域工作,並佩戴 NIOSH 批准的呼吸器。 戴上合適的乙烯基手套,避免接觸皮膚。 如果衣服或皮膚上有光澤,請立即用肥皂和溫水清洗。 燒製過程中,避免吸入煙霧和/或窯爐廢氣。
Clean up and storage
-Mineral spirits, paint thinner and acetone are effective cleaning agents. Make sure to wipe the threads on the glass container before capping tightly. Put the glass luster bottle inside the clear plastic container to contain any lingering fumes. To prolong your Laguna Lusters, store in a cool/dry place. Hot and humid environments can cause this product to thicken. If this happens simply use a drop of toluene (toluol) to thin.
- 礦物油精、油漆稀釋劑和丙酮是有效的清潔劑。 蓋緊蓋子之前,請務必擦拭玻璃容器上的螺紋。 將玻璃光澤瓶放入透明塑膠容器中,以容納任何殘留的煙霧。 為了延長您的 Laguna Lusters,請存放在陰涼/乾燥的地方。 炎熱和潮濕的環境會導致該產品變濃稠。 如果發生這種情況,只需使用一滴甲苯(可用松香水或香蕉水代替)進行稀釋即可。
-Fire the fully dried lusters ware to cone ^018. This should be a fast fire with the peep-holes open. Good firing ventilation is essential for this product. If the kiln does not have a kiln sitter or a programmer, place a cone pack in front of a peep-hole to verify firing temperature.
-將完全乾燥的光澤器皿燒成溫錐018(約700℃)。 這應該是在窺視孔打開的情況下快速開火。 良好的燒成通風對於該產品至關重要。 如果窯爐沒有窯爐管理員或程式設計師,請將錐體放在窺視孔前以驗證燒製溫度。
NOTE* Image colors may vary from in-person results. Test before final production. Formulation contains precious metals, pricing is subject to change without notice.
注意* 影像顏色可能與現場結果有所不同。 最終生產前進行測試。 配方含貴金屬,價格如有更改,恕不另行通知。